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Enhancing Realtor-Originator Partnerships

Do you ever wonder why some originators seem to have no resistance to getting Realtor® business and others get shut down before even getting to the door? (more…)


Loan Originators Are Direct About Their Mail

Top originators describe how they have employed direct mail to reach customers and prospects. (more…)


Living High on the Hog

The mortgage lending business could take a few tips from successful market leader Harley-Davidson. (more…)


Generating Referrals from CPAs and Financial Planners

Advice for increasing your business from financial services partners. (more…)


Expanding Your Product Horizons

How loan originators have branched out into other niches. (more…)


Direct Mail Sends The Right Message

“You know exactly what works and what doesn’t with direct mail. That knowledge allows you to analyze and track your results, and get maximum return on every dollar.” (more…)


Finding Common Ground:

Realtors and originators seek mutually beneficial association. (more…)


When it’s All About Them: The Hazards of Dealing With High-Maintenance People

Working with prima-donna team members.

As the football season reaches its crescendo and another production year begins, (more…)


Making Lifelong Customers

The art of developing customer-for-life campaigns.

Most loan originators know the importance of maintaining long-term loyalty with their customers. (more…)


A Superstar is Born

The essential qualities of a top producing loan originator.

Today, somewhere in America, the next mortgage originator Superstars are being born. (more…)


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