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The Need for Esprit de Corps

“Esprit de corps provides people with a desire to focus their attention on creating success for their profession as a whole, rather than just doing their work in a corner.” (more…)


Originators Have An Affinity for Referral Partners

Loan originators share their techniques for establishing relationships with CPAs, financial planners and attorneys. (more…)


Harnessing Your Ego-drive

Successful LOs are motivated by challenges and opportunities.

Someone once said that the level of success we achieve in life has much (more…)


Living in Interesting Times For Subprime

“May you live in interesting times.”
–Originally attributed to an ancient Chinese curse (more…)


The ABCs of Building Relationships

Essential ingredients for creating long-term associations with customers and referral partners.

Whether you have been in this business 15 years of 15 minutes, you have no doubt been told that mortgage loan origination is a business of relationships. (more…)


Technology That Will Inspire You (Or At Least Make You More Productive)

A sampling of technology applications that can be used to further your business efficiency and productivity. (more…)


Surveying the Product Options Menu

During the last decade, the number of loan products and programs has increased significantly, with some aimed at “mainstream” (more…)


The LO That Never Sleeps

If I could give anyone a one-lined answer for the best and quickest way to get results with a Web site, I would simply say, (more…)


Modeling: The Shortcut to Success

Wherever I speak and teach, there is always a burning question that arises among loan officers: “What is the one thing I can do to be successful?” Until today, my answer has always



Taking a More Strategic Approach

Like most salespeople, loan originators are tactical by nature. They operate on a “get-it-done” mentality, moving from task to task throughout the day (more…)


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Re-Strategize Your Realtor Relationships

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